Jacob , 10월 중순 시작 가능하신 선생님

6,695번, Jacob 미국 남성선생님은 미국에 거주하고 있습니다.

희망근무유형 Full Time
이름 (번호) Jacob (6,695번)
성별 남성
나이 31세 (1994년생)
국적 미국
혼인여부 미혼
현재 거주지 미국에 거주
최종학력 University of Northern Iowa 4년제 학사
전공 History
부전공 Religious Studies and International Relations
근무 시작일 2017년 10월 15일부터 근무가능
선호지역 대도시선호, 중소도시, 소도시, 작은마을
선호도시 Seoul (서울) Nowon-gu (노원구)
희망월급 협의
희망숙소종류 원룸이나 스튜디오, 주택수당 희망
희망근무시간 오전, 오후
희망교육기관 모든 교육기관 가능
강의래밸 모든 학년
강사 소개

Hello, my name is Jacob Burke. I am very interested in applying for a job at academy near Seoul. I have background experience with volunteering with students of different ages from elementary to college students. I feel that with my background from working with international students in the U.S. and working with students while I was in Korea helped improve my abilities to overcome and obstacle and provide the best learning environment for that student. 


강의경험 강의경력 있음  (2년 경험)

Education: Four years at a public state university and one year at a community college.

During my time at my university, I volunteered with helping international students study English from various countries. I also had the chance of going to China where I would lead a class of university students for eight hours a day for five days for three weeks in an English summer camp. Most recently while I studied in South Korea, I voluntered working with elementary students and college students, helping them improve their English speaking and writing abilities. 

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