Haeree Grace, 5년경력 언어학 전공한 영국교포선생님

3,908번, Haeree Grace 영국 여성선생님은 국내에 거주하고 있습니다.

Haeree Grace
희망근무유형 Full Time
이름 (번호) Haeree Grace (3,908번)
성별 여성
나이 40세 (1985년생)
국적 영국
혼인여부 미혼
현재 거주지 국내에 거주
최종학력 University of Oxford 석사
전공 Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition
근무 시작일 2014년 10월 06일부터 근무가능
선호지역 대도시선호, 중소도시
선호도시 Seoul Suburb (서울근교) Yongin (용인)
희망월급 230만원
희망숙소종류 주택수당 희망
희망근무시간 오전, 오후, 저녁
희망교육기관 모든 교육기관 가능
강의래밸 모든 학년
강사 소개 Having worked in the English language teaching and education field in Korea for the past 5 successful years with a Masters in Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition from University of Oxford, I am ready to take on a new challenge!

I have been focusing my career on all levels of the public education system, teaching and training from students, native English teachers to Korean English teachers. I am satisfied with my current job and am considered to be a top performer. But I would like to grow and develop further and follow the path of my love and passion for teaching English learners.

?With my people skills, thinking skills and personal qualities, I have been able to achieve a high satisfaction rating throughout my career. I hope that my education and experience meets your listed requirements, and can fulfil the duties and responsibilities with passion and enthusiasm. I strongly believe that these qualities will sustain a successful future with a new employer.

Thank you for your time and consideration in receiving my application. I hope we will meet soon to discuss this employment opportunity and/or provide any additional needed information.
강의경험 강의경력 있음  (5년 경험)
경력사항 Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education (GIFLE)
Teacher Trainer/Curriculum Planner/Consultant/Researcher 
Sept 2011 – to date
Constantly building and designing various curriculums to match the needs and structures of specific programmes and different trainees:
  • Microteaching
  • English Teaching Techniques
  • Principles and Practices of Effective Language Teaching
  • English Adventure Programme (Middle school students)
  • Global Leaders English Programme (After-school programme for Middle school students)
  • Speaking
Achieved 95% module/instructor satisfaction with over 1,000 in-service elementary and secondary public school teachers from an average of 89%.
  • Went above and beyond to build rapport and gain understanding of their issues and concerns to provide targeted support and was rewarded when the trainees completed the course fully satisfied. This resulted in many trainees returning to take on a different course at the institute.
Goam Middle School & Gyeonggi-do Dongducheon Yangju Office of Education
English Native (GEPIK) Teacher & GEPIK District Coordinator
Sept 2009 – Sept 2011
  • Successfully dealt and managed with challenges of multi-tasking with different duties and responsibilities, such as teaching English, providing orientation training, holding workshops and liaising between teachers over miscommunication and difference of culture
  • Built and taught specific advanced English lessons for grade 3 gifted students who were preparing for high school entrance exams

Applied Linguistics Association of Korea 
forthcoming Sept 2014
Poster presentation at on ‘The ‘Double Iceberg’ Model: Raising Awareness in Classroom Translation’
Gyeonggi Foreign Language Education Conference
Nov 2013
Presented on ‘Exploring the Correlation between Student Motivation and Student Likeability’
STEP NTTP Workshop
Jul 2013
Presented on ‘Classroom Language Use: How to effectively use both languages in classrooms’
KOTESOL Suwon Chapter 
Apr 2013
Presented on ‘Examining the TEE policy and its Application in the Korean Classroom Context’
Gyeonggi-do International Teachers’ Conference 
Oct 2012
Presented on ‘Examining Teacher Talk in Korean English Classrooms: Advocating the Judicious Use of L1’

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