Chelsea, 교육학 전공하신 여선생님

407번, Chelsea 미국 여성선생님은 미국에 거주하고 있습니다.

희망근무유형 Full Time
이름 (번호) Chelsea (407번)
성별 여성
나이 45세 (1981년생)
국적 미국
혼인여부 미혼
현재 거주지 미국에 거주
최종학력 Rocky Mountain College 4년제 학사
전공 Music Education
자격증 Educator’s License, valid September 1, 2004 in the state of Montana
근무 시작일 2011년 06월 15일부터 근무가능
선호지역 대도시선호
선호도시 Seoul (서울)
희망월급 240만원
희망숙소종류 원룸이나 스튜디오, 공동주택이나 기숙사
희망근무시간 오전, 오후
희망교육기관 학원
강의래밸 유치부, 초등부
강사 소개

March 2011

 Dear Director,

  I have attached my curriculum vitae for your consideration as an

applicant for the position of ESL teacher. I am available to start as

of June 2011. I am most interested in teaching ages 4-10. I will be

available for a Skype interview mornings before 9:30am, KST time zone. I am currently living in South Korea. If you have a time that is more convenient for you, please let me know.

  I am currently working at a private academy in Changwon, South Korea. I teach Kindergarten, (Korean age 6) in the mornings. My students started the school year as absolute beginners with no English knowledge. They are now speaking in complete sentences and learning to read. They all have an impressive vocabulary and understand everything that is said to them. I have taught them with fun activities incorporating music, art, and science. My students’ pronunciation and comprehension is excellent.

  In the afternoon, I teach first through fifth graders. The classes in the afternoon range from seven levels of writing, five levels of

grammar, Chapter book, and Social Studies. I am responsible for their curriculum, homework, tests and class activities. For the last eight months I have taught these children and observed proudly as

their reading, writing, and pronunciation skills have improved immensely.

 I believe that a child learns best when kinetic, visual and auditory

teaching styles are brought together. I am very active and always

searching for more ways to teach and new activities to do in class. I have seen what I can bring to child's education and it is exhilarating to watch children learn. I am looking forward to bring my educational style into a new culture. I believe that a well-rounded education works best, one that includes art, science, physical education, reading, writing, and music. I love showing pictures of my travels to my students to show them what life is like in different countries. The personal connection I have with these places brings that much more excitement from my students. I believe the more interesting and exciting education is, the more a child learns and more importantly, retains.

  Prior to teaching abroad, I taught private piano, flute and

vocal lessons from my own home. I also substitute taught K-12 in

artistic disciplines and Spanish for years. I have also accompanied

professionally and done private tutoring at the collegiate level in

a community college in southern California. I have done many

camps and after school programs throughout my life in many

communities whether as a counselor or choir director. I hope to be

in contact with you and yours,


Warm regards,

Chelsea Hamilton

강의경험 강의경력 있음  (년 경험)


- Bachelor of Arts Degree, Music Education K-12, Rocky Mountain College, Billings Montana, graduating class of 2003




Newly finished contract teaching English to 55 different students comprised of 11 different classes meeting daily or two to three times a week and covering subjects of reading, writing, math, and social studies at Kids Club in Changwon, South Korea

- Taught reading, writing, literature, grammar, logic, math, and choir in grades 2-8 at Trinity Classical Academy, Newhall, California 2008.

- Accompanied the College of the Canyons’ choral department at College of the Canyons, Valencia, California beginning in August of 2007-April 2008

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