John, 3년경력 대학생전문 캐나다선생님
Member Since : 2015-06-23
Last updated : 2015-07-20
4,598번, John 캐나다 남성선생님은 국내에 거주하고 있습니다. |
희망근무유형 |
Full Time |
이름 (번호) |
John (4,598번) |
성별 |
남성 |
나이 |
43세 (1982년생) |
국적 |
캐나다 |
혼인여부 |
미혼 |
현재 거주지 |
국내에 거주 |
최종학력 |
Tyndale University, Toronto 4년제 학사 |
전공 |
Business Administration |
근무 시작일 |
2015년 07월 20일부터 근무가능
선호지역 |
대도시선호 |
선호도시 |
Seoul Suburb (서울근교) |
희망월급 |
220만원 |
희망숙소종류 |
원룸이나 스튜디오, 주택수당 희망 |
희망근무시간 |
오전, 오후, 저녁 |
희망교육기관 |
모든 교육기관 가능 |
강의래밸 |
중고등부, 성인반 |
강의경험 |
강의경력 있음 (3년 경험) |
경력사항 |
Language Coach & Instructor | Gukje Foreign Language School
Suwon City, South Korea | 2011 – 2013
- Prepared classroom course materials, video clips, games, and tests.
- Assessed language ability of new students.
- Designed tests including practical phrasal verbs and idiom usage.
- Focused on giving equal time to each student.
- Optimized class time when levels in the class differed by having students lead each other.
- Tailored one-on-one lessons for business professionals, clergy and university students.
- Developed specialized classes for businesses according to the organizations needs.
- Worked with Korean and native English speakers to assure that students would transition through English levels as efficiently as possible.
- Completed reports and administration duties in a timely manner.