Emilie, 1년 경력의 캐나다 선생님

5,752번, Emilie 캐나다 여성선생님은 국내에 거주하고 있습니다.

희망근무유형 Full Time
이름 (번호) Emilie (5,752번)
성별 여성
나이 32세 (1993년생)
국적 캐나다
혼인여부 미혼
현재 거주지 국내에 거주
최종학력 Mount Allison University 4년제 학사
전공 Psychology and International relations
근무 시작일 2016년 09월 01일부터 근무가능
선호지역 대도시선호, 중소도시
선호도시 Seoul (서울) Mapo-gu (마포구)
희망월급 230만원
희망숙소종류 원룸이나 스튜디오
희망근무시간 모든 시간대 가능
희망교육기관 모든 교육기관 가능
강의래밸 모든 학년
강사 소개

Hello, My name is Emilie. I completed my Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and International Relations at the best undergraduate university in Canada. I am currently in Seoul completing a 1-year contract until August 13th. I am looking for further employment and I am very interested in working in or around Hongdae/Mapo/Yongsan area. I love teaching children and creating a positive, fun learning environment for my students. Look forward to speaking with you soon!

강의경험 강의경력 있음  (1년 경험)

My past experience working as a Community Outreach Coordinator equipped me with many of the attributes that you are looking for in a successful candidate. I maintained and facilitated partnerships with a wide range of community organizations in the aims to promote the public library, its resources, and events. In doing so, I independently planned and presented 16 programs for approximately 160 community members per week. Furthermore, I have gained much professional experience maintaining the facilitation of programs and initiatives, creating publications, designing forums, organizing community meetings, and more. These opportunities have taught me essential lessons on time-management and leadership, in which I hold the utmost respect and pride in upholding. I obtain the most gratification, however, when helping community members who are struggling with physical or emotional stress and issues. The vast majority of my volunteer and professional experience has dealt with working to foster growth in individuals that require assistance by use of behavioural counselling and support techniques. These experiences have strongly developed my sense of character and I am very confident in my ability to meet all of the requirements that you recognize in an ideal candidate. My combined experiences and present interest in this field leave me qualified and eager to work with you. I will be pleased if you take my resume into further consideration and I look forward to discussing this with you in the future.

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