Eleanor, 8월 이적 가능한 경력있고 엑티브한 미국여자선생님
6,583번, Eleanor 미국 여성선생님은 국내에 거주하고 있습니다. |
희망근무유형 | Full Time |
이름 (번호) | Eleanor (6,583번) |
성별 | 여성 |
나이 | 35세 (1990년생) |
국적 | 미국 |
혼인여부 | 미혼 |
현재 거주지 | 국내에 거주 |
최종학력 | Florida International University 4년제 학사 |
전공 | Biology |
근무 시작일 | 2017년 08월 01일부터 근무가능 |
선호지역 | 대도시선호 |
선호도시 | Seoul (서울) Gangnam-gu (강남구) |
희망월급 | 협의 |
희망숙소종류 | 원룸이나 스튜디오 |
희망근무시간 | 오전, 오후 |
희망교육기관 | 모든 교육기관 가능 |
강의래밸 | 초등부, 중고등부, 성인반 |
강사 소개 | Profile A professional who believes strongly that medical research, and medicine in general, should be an international experience and effort. Has experience in many aspects of research, including lab-based research, patient interaction, and administrative organization. Specializes in organization, and adherence to strict regulatory standards.
Education Seoul Korean Language Academy - Korean Language
Florida International University, Miami, FL Major: Biology, 2013
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL Interdisciplinary Studies, 2010
강의경험 | 강의경력 있음 (1년 경험) |
경력사항 | Experience English Teacher, YES Youngdo English School 2015-Present Teaching English to all ages and all levels of fluency, elementary to adult.
Research Associate, Twyford International (adjunct to the USDA) 2013-2015 Adjunct to the USDA as part of CRADA research (plant virology).
Research Associate, Physicians for the Hand 2011-2013 Patient interaction and enrollment, study data collection, on-site study data manager, IRB author.
Laboratory Assistant Twyford International 2005-2010 Support lab worker, front desk receptionist, and accounts receivable. |