David, 바로 이직 가능하신 경험많은 선생님
6,591번, David 미국 남성선생님은 국내에 거주하고 있습니다. |
희망근무유형 | Full Time |
이름 (번호) | David (6,591번) |
성별 | 남성 |
나이 | 41세 (1984년생) |
국적 | 미국 |
혼인여부 | 미혼 |
현재 거주지 | 국내에 거주 |
최종학력 | Columbus State University 4년제 학사 |
전공 | Psychology |
자격증 | 140 hour TEFL course |
근무 시작일 | 2017년 08월 01일부터 근무가능 |
선호지역 | 대도시선호 |
선호도시 | Seoul (서울) |
희망월급 | 협의 |
희망숙소종류 | 원룸이나 스튜디오 |
희망근무시간 | |
희망교육기관 | 모든 교육기관 가능 |
강의래밸 | 모든 학년 |
강사 소개 | Hello! I am a passionate and energetic American teacher with over 6 years of English teaching experience in Korea. Most of my teaching experience has centered around Elementary age students, and the most recent two years have been devoted to teaching public school students. As for my teaching philosophy, the methods in which I have employed to foster my students’ language acquisition are often varied, but many revolve around one thing: fun! I want my students having as much fun as possible when they are learning. When the mind is relaxed, learning comes with much less effort. Of course, this doesn’t mean simply playing games all day non-stop (although sometimes games with an educational component can be excellent learning tools). To ensure that the students stay focused and interested in the lesson, a wide variety of fun activities that appeal to different learning types must be implemented. A well planned lesson that moves quickly through different stages can really get a class of students motivated! I also believe in a holistic approach to learning, and I take very seriously my responsibility to instill virtue, morality and honesty into each of my students to the best of my ability. I believe that with caring, compassion, kindness and understanding, I can gain the students’ trust and earn the respect needed to become a truly significant mentor to them. |
강의경험 | 강의경력 있음 (6년 경험) |
경력사항 | TEACHING EXPERIENCE IN KOREA Itaewon Elementary School (Yongsan-Gu, Seoul)
Bongwha Elementary school (Jungnang-Gu, Seoul)
TNL school
YBM Premier Jongno 1-to-1
MacMillan Academy