Charlena , 4개국어 가능한 영국출신 여자선생님

6,736번, Charlena 영국 여성선생님은 영국에 거주하고 있습니다.

희망근무유형 Full Time
이름 (번호) Charlena (6,736번)
성별 여성
나이 29세 (1996년생)
국적 영국
혼인여부 미혼
현재 거주지 영국에 거주
최종학력 Lancaster University 4년제 학사
전공 Chemical Engineering
자격증 TEFL
근무 시작일 2018년 02월 01일부터 근무가능
선호지역 대도시선호
선호도시 Seoul (서울)
희망월급 210만원
희망숙소종류 원룸이나 스튜디오
희망근무시간 오전, 오후, 저녁, 모든 시간대 가능
희망교육기관 모든 교육기관 가능
강의래밸 유치부, 초등부, 중고등부, 성인반, 모든 학년
강사 소개

I am a graduate of Lancaster University with a bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering in June 2017.  I'm currently enrolled in a 150-hour TEFL course. (The expected completion date of my TEFL course will be December 2017)


I was born in Johannesburg, the largest city of South Africa. At home, my parents spoke to me in Chinese and I responded in English and Chinese. When I was 6 years old, my parents sent me to live in China for 4 years because they were keen that I learned their native languages as well as English. In China, my grandmother raised me to speak Hakka (my mother’s native language), however, Mandarin is the official and dominant language in China, therefore 4 years of my education was taught in mandarin. At the age of 10, I moved from China to the U.K, and all of my Primary, Secondary, Sixth Form and Tertiary education was taught in English. Moreover, my father’s native language is Cantonese so I can also speak in Cantonese with him. I am proud of knowing FOUR languages!


I am ready to learn my fifth language Korean!


I have always been interested in learning Korean and gaining an understanding of Korean culture. I have joined a Korean beginner class since October 2017. This course has inspired me to explore further in depth about Hangul and Korean traditions. The reason why I am so enthusiastic to teach English as a foreign language in Korea is because it provides me with a wide range of flexible opportunities to work in a challenging environment where I can keep on developing my teaching and language skills and the ability to live independently.


However, I am a very patient and highly motivated person with excellent communication skills. I am eager and willing to share my knowledge and experiences with people to encourage them in achieving their goals. This is exactly what I want to do for my students. I believe that all children have their own potential in any field, it all depend on how we provide them with the opportunity they need to discover their hidden talents. I can’t wait to see my lovely children in Korea! I hope my dream in teaching English in Korea will come true one day!


I am very appreciating for this opportunity to express all my thoughts to you here, and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

강의경험 강의경력 있음  (년 경험)
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