Peter, Peter Garvin's aplication
6,764번, Peter 미국 남성선생님은 국내에 거주하고 있습니다. |
희망근무유형 | Full Time |
이름 (번호) | Peter (6,764번) |
성별 | 남성 |
나이 | 39세 (1986년생) |
국적 | 미국 |
혼인여부 | 미혼 |
현재 거주지 | 국내에 거주 |
최종학력 | 나사렛대학교 4년제 학사 |
전공 | International Business Management |
근무 시작일 | 2018년 02월 01일부터 근무가능 |
선호지역 | 선호지역 없음 |
선호도시 | Gyeonggi-do (경기도) Hwaseong (화성시) |
희망월급 | 협의 |
희망숙소종류 | 원룸이나 스튜디오 |
희망근무시간 | 모든 시간대 가능 |
희망교육기관 | 학원 |
강의래밸 | 모든 학년 |
강사 소개 | Hello, my name is Peter Garvin and I stay here in Korea with my family. My mother is Korean and my father is American. I am a F-4 visa holder. I enjoy teaching English to students of all ages. At my past job experience, there were multiple adult students with doctoral degrees who constantly stated how much they enjoyed my classes. I also enjoy having fun while teaching younger students. I have also successfully tutored elementary, middle school, high school, and university students in the past. Thank you for your consideration.
강의경험 | 강의경력 있음 (년 경험) |
경력사항 | 그레이스국제크리스찬학교 Anyang-si February 2017 – January 2018 Position: Full Time Native English Teacher for Elementary, Middle School, and High School Students 정철어학원 Hwaseong-si January 2015 – July 2016 Position: Full Time Native English Teacher for Elementary, Middle School, and Adult Students 지엔비영어학원 Asan-si October 2013 – December 2014 Position: Part time Native English Teacher for Elementary and Middle School Students