Joseph, Native English Speaker Fluent in Korean and TEFL/TESOL Certified
6,840번, Joseph 미국 남성선생님은 미국에 거주하고 있습니다. |
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희망근무유형 | Full Time |
이름 (번호) | Joseph (6,840번) |
성별 | 남성 |
나이 | 34세 (1992년생) |
국적 | 미국 |
혼인여부 | 미혼 |
현재 거주지 | 미국에 거주 |
최종학력 | University of Hawaii at Manoa 4년제 학사 |
전공 | Korean |
자격증 | TEFL/TESOL |
근무 시작일 | 2018년 03월 01일부터 근무가능 |
선호지역 | 대도시선호 |
선호도시 | Seoul (서울) Gangnam-gu (강남구) |
희망월급 | 협의 |
희망숙소종류 | 원룸이나 스튜디오 |
희망근무시간 | 오전, 오후 |
희망교육기관 | 모든 교육기관 가능 |
강의래밸 | 초등부, 중고등부, 성인반, 모든 학년 |
강사 소개 | My name is Joseph Gaenzle and I am a 25 year old TEFL/TESOL certified English teacher from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I graduated from the University of Hawaii at Manoa with a degree in Korean. I studied abroad in Korea for a total of 1 year and 3 months. I loved living there and it truly felt like home to me. While I was living there, I did a lot of volunteer work as a tutor for students and children wishing to learn English. Being that I am outgoing, creative, and know three languages myself, teaching came naturally to me and I was very often complimented on how good of a teacher I was. Not only do I want to continue teaching English, but I also want to live in Korea. Therefore, going back to Korea to teach English is the perfect opportunity for me. |
강의경험 | 강의경력 없음 |