Ingrid, 영어전공 3년경력 밝은 성격의 미국여자선생님

6,962번, Ingrid 미국 여성선생님은 미국에 거주하고 있습니다.

희망근무유형 Full Time
이름 (번호) Ingrid (6,962번)
성별 여성
나이 42세 (1984년생)
국적 미국
혼인여부 미혼
현재 거주지 미국에 거주
최종학력 University of South Florida 4년제 학사
전공 English
부전공 Technical and Professional Writing
자격증 TEFL: I-TO-I
근무 시작일 2018년 04월 23일부터 근무가능
선호지역 대도시선호
선호도시 Seoul (서울) Gangnam-gu (강남구)
희망월급 230만원
희망숙소종류 원룸이나 스튜디오
희망근무시간 오전, 오후
희망교육기관 모든 교육기관 가능
강의래밸 유치부, 초등부, 모든 학년
강의경험 강의경력 있음  (3.5년 경험)

YBM Appletree, English Instructor                                  Seoul, S. Korea (10/2013-08/2015)

  • Taught the fundamentals of English language to Korean pre-school children
  • Helped enrich students’ learning experience while multi-tasking various special projects, creating and executing fun and educational lesson plans

Georges Malaika Foundation, Volunteer Curriculum Developer and Trainer       Kalebuka, DRC (11/2012-1/2018)

  • Developed school-wide English curriculum for the Georges Malaika School for Girls
  • Performed on-site teacher training of new English curriculum and advanced teaching techniques
  • Create lesson plans for the English language courses taught at the school


Harvard CLC, English Instructor                                     Seoul, S. Korea (03/2012-09/2013)

  • Established an essay writing program for the school
  • Integrated technology into well-executed lesson plans


Avalon English School, Writer/Instructor                           Seoul, S. Korea (06/2009-12/2011)

  • Edited, composed and reviewed written material for over 9 iBT TOEFL published books
  • Taught students the core elements of English essay writing and grammar


March of Dimes, Assistant Community Director                  Tampa, FL (03/2008, 06/2009)

  • Executed logistics for March for Babies event
  • Retained and attained commitments for the company to generate revenue
  • Created press releases for mass media mediums using Vocus
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